Family night is filled with fun things to do
Like making spooky houses and eating lots of frosting too!
Here is our baby lookin so cute!
Wearing one of his many Halloween suits
Decorating so spooky is fun for us all
We always get sad when we are done with fall.
Here is miss Emmy so proud of her Haunted House
On the roof she even added a mouse!
Pull up a chair to our spooky table
A witch will come and get you if she is able.
This is our creepy skeleton light
It is sure to give you a fright.
We like to eat sugar cookies. Yum yum
Even though they go straight to our bum bum!
We like to paint pumpkins with funny faces
So they look cute in their designated places
My adorable kids are so sweet to one another
Except when they are beating up each other!
( don't judge) My kids obviously like candy
Who can blame them it does taste dandy!
We LOVE Halloween time at our house!