So this past week and a half has been a little crazy to say the least. Emmy broke her arm :( Last Wednesday i was cleaning my kitchen while Emmy was sitting on the couch watching Blues Clues. I turned around to clean my oven and I herd Emmy fall. I turned back around and saw she had fallen off the couch. I went to pick her up and give her some loves. She usually only cries for about a minute when she has a spill but she cried for about 10 min. We had been running errands all day and it was about her nap time so i thought she was a little over tired. I kept holding her as she was crying and she fell asleep in my arms. I went and put her down for her nap still thinking she had just been a little tired. I called Matt and he said he was sure that she would be fine. After her normal 2 hour nap she woke up and was acting normal. We ran some more errands and I noticed every time I got her in or out of the car seat she started to fuss a little. When we got home Matt was home. I had a birthday party to go to so I told him to keep an eye on her. While I was at the party I had the feeling come over me. I knew she broke her arm. When I got home I checked her a little more and then told Matt we had to go to the doctor. We went to the urgent care down the street from us. When we got there they took some x-rays and all she could do was scream "bye bye, bye bye" it was so sad! When they got the x-rays back they confirmed that her arm was broken but it was broken in 2 places and could have some nerve damage so we would have to see a orthopedic specialist. I was a mess! The urgent care was closing and I had probably about 10 doctors and nurses around me. I was bawling. They were all so nice and were trying to make me feel better. The doctor told me I needed to get Emmy into a specialist by Friday and said that it would be almost impossible to get her in but to find a way. Thank goodness my moms neighbor is an orthopedic specialist and works with the Jazz players. Friday morning at 8:00 we went to him thinking she would just get a new cast. He took some more x-rays and told us that the bone was not positioned right so he would have to put her under to reset the bone. I was a mess again bawling and all :) We scheduled the operation at St Marks for Thursday. Yesterday we took her in. She had no idea what was going on. After signing in and stuff we went into her room. The nurse gave her some medicine that made her as high as a kite! It was suppose to relax her so she would not have a hard time when they had to take her and give her the anaesthesia. It really was sad but so funny at the same time. She could not walk or talk. All she could do was open her mouth and put her head up and down. The anaesthesiologist came in and got her . We waited in the waiting room for about 20 min. They came and got us and said everything went great. They didn't even have to give her an IV. She is all better now and has a little cast on her for 4 long weeks.
Merry Christmas 🎄
2 years ago