Sweet Jackson!
I can not believe it has already been 2 weeks since I had Jackson. Things are going well at the Crowley house minus the occasional temper tantrum thrown by Emmy. I love my kids so much!!!
Matt went back to work last Wednesday. I was so scared and sad to see him go but I think we did ok. We stayed in the house and watched a little more TV then normal but other then that we seemed to adjust well.
Emmy is doing well. She is throwing a few more temper tantrums and is not listening as well but other then that she is doing GREAT! She loves Jackson so much. Every morning when she wakes up she love to come and cuddle in bed and give us kisses. She loves playing with him with his baby toys and has been really good about including him in her prayers. I love and adore her so much. She is so funny these days! Her new thing is saying "myself" for everything. " Mom I have and owie on myself" " Myself is so funny"... I also love/ hate her baby talk. I must say it is the most annoying baby talk I have ever herd in my life but at the same time when she talks to Jackson it melts my heart. She is such a sweetheart!
Jackson is doing great. We go in tomorrow for our 2 week check up. He is getting HUGE already! He wants to eat ALL the time. He is sleeping well. The only time he wakes up at night is to eat. He is so alert! He is awake 2-3 hours at a time and just sits and loves to look around. I know I have said this 100 times but he has the sweetest spirit! He is so calm and content with things just like Matt. I have also noticed he TOTALLY looks like a boy. I know this sounds strange but alot of the time newborns can look like a boy or a girl. To me he is ALL BOY!!!
Well that's what is going on with us. I have loved the past 2 weeks with my family and am so glad Jackson is finally here. The feeling and spirit at our home is so amazing right now. I am so full of love for my family!
I love your posts...especially the one about wearing sweatsuits. I refused to wear any maternity clothes after I had Stryder and sweats were the obvious choice for me too! You look great and i'm sure you'll be back in your jeans in no time. (Sorry my computer freaked out on my last comment)
I have to agree! Jackson is totally boy! And a handsome boy too, I love it! That picture of him with his eyes open is so cute! Reading your posts makes me excited to become a family of four!
So cute! He is so small Teisha! What a darling little family!
Cute Family, two weeks already? Time goes by way too fast!
What a joy! He is so cute just to look at through these pics. I can't wait to see him again! I have the boys all week and weekend and then I will be down for sure to see him..... and you!
Sounds like you are adjusting well :) I love you and miss you!
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