I am denying that my child is now a toddler! Emmy has learned so much lately. She knows what all the animals say, she can run, she can feed herself with spoon, she can say so many words i cant even
count anymore but it has just hit me that my baby is not a baby anymore. She is now a toddler. I came to this conclusion last week when i was shopping with my sister-in-law. She has a 6 week old baby and Emmy kept pointing to her and saying "baby baby". After shopping we came home and she went into her play room and got a small baby doll that my mom got her months ago. She then came into the family room and said "My baby". Apart of me wanted to cry because i realized that she is not the tiny little baby that i thought she was anymore. I feel like she learns so fast! After reading her some books on babies and playing with her she now takes the baby with her everywhere. She will put it on her shoulder and say "sh sh sh". She will give her hugs and kisses and even put her baby "nigh nigh". So i guess it is official... MY BABY IS A TODDLER! I honestly can not believe how fast time has gone. I feel like I just had Emmy and now she is walikng, talking and learning more everyday. I love my Matt and Emmy so much and am so grateful that I have been so blessed!
Merry Christmas 🎄
2 years ago