Thursday, February 25, 2010

To Be Or Not To Be A Healthier Me?

I had to add this cute pic of Jackson. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this baby!!!

About 2 weeks ago I got a personal trainer for Valentines day. I have a love/hate relationship with the whole thing!

I Love-

Feeling better

weighing less then when I got married

having my hubby praise me

running with the kids outside

being sore

working out with Matt


watching EVERYTHING I eat

losing my milk:( ( I nursed Emmy for a year and feel very strong about doing this for as long as I can)

watching what I eat

watching what I eat

watching what I eat

not eating at night

not eating treats


I just dont know what to do! I want to keep up with it but really hate most minutes of it and really enjoy my treats! I think I am too worried about what my personal trainer thinks and stress over EVERYTHING I eat. I have lost about 5 pounds and am feeling like a hot mama:) ha ha jk Does anyone have any advice?

P.S. I know I sound lazy. Don't judge me :)


Ryan and Tori said...

So... I've always thought the reason people work out is so they don't have to watch what they eat. Guess I'm wrong though?? Ryan lost like 20-25 pounds last year and we didn't change a thing about what he ate, that's why he worked out 'cause he didn't want to change his eating habbits and it worked for him just fine! I've always just thought- if you want to lose weight and are too lazy to work out, just eat right, but if you don't want to change your eating habbits, just work out. Sure you can do both, but I think everyone should enjoy life a little more. My Mom has never EVER watched what she eats and look at her!! She has a chocolate donut and a big diet coke for breakfast every morning! If chocolate donuts aren't available, she has a few cookies instead and that is no joke! People have always asked me what I do to stay thin and this is what I truly believe; if you just think positive- as in telling yourself "I can eat whatever I want and still have a great body" you will! Just make sure you always eat breakfast and don't worry about counting calories or dieting. One thing my Mom has always said is it's when people start to screw with their diets that their bodies don't know what to do and maybe lose weight at first then gain it back. She was an aerobics instructor so she's got to know something right? Anyway, hope you enjoyed the novel! I just would HATE it if I had to watch what I ate, and think everyone should enjoy life a little!

natalie j. + richard a. said...

Ugh. I hate dieting. I am going through the same things right now! FOOD WITHDRAWAL!! lol. But go you for losing 5 lbs! That's awesome! What gym do you go to!?

Brynnly and Alan said...

You and the rest of us hate eating a strict diet! Watching what you eat is super hard! If I were you I would keep doing what your doing and give yourself a treat a week. Don't overeat but enjoy your favorite meal, dessert, whatever. It is SO worth it! There is NO feeling like fitting into your skinny jeans and feeling super hot! ;) Really! It is worth the hard work and the best part is, it gets easier! It becomes habit and after a little while you won't crave those treats as much. You'll still want them, just not as much. You are at the perfect age to get into this habit! I got into lifting and eating right when I was 21 and now (11yrs later!) it is just habit. Don't give up! Just remember that it does get easier and think about where you'll be in your thirties, forties, etc.. if you continue this lifestyle. It's amazing what this lifestyle does for your body. STICK WITH IT! :D Let me know if you need a pep talk ever. Love ya girl!

Randi said...

I agree with Brynnly - of course I am terrible at watching what I eat. I think that you shouldn't deprive yourself of everything, but maybe just changing your portions of those things or how often you have a treat etc. Working out makes me feel tons better. I think that is something that is worth it even if you hate it while you're doing it. But If I looked like you right now I would be very happy with myself, you're doing great!

White Balance Photography said...

You are awesome. Keep it up. Music keeps me going for cardio. I hate machines for cardio, so I go for a run or do a sport if I can get anyone to join in. I have been counting calories and been making sure to allow one small treat in a day to keep me going.