Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Silly Girl

I had to add these. This was Emmy having whipping cream from the can for the first time. She obviously loved it!

Lately Emmy has been saying the funniest things. I figured I would write them down so I don't forget them
-Today we were at the store. I was looking at a candle and touched it. Emmy then took my chin and said " You don't touch that you understand? I don't want you to break it"

-A few weeks ago I was putting some clothes away in the baby's room. Emmy was sitting in my bed. All of a sudden I hear " Mom come back. Mom I said come back here." I did not come because I was busy and she was kind of being a brat. Then I hear " I will give you a treat" My own child was trying to bribe me. I thought that was the moms job?
- Ever since I have been pregnant Emmy seems to think she gets " contractions'. When we are at the store she will crab her tummy and say " OH mom I am getting a serious contraction!" She also says " Mom I can't I am getting a contraction" when I ask her to do something and she does not want to do it.

- The other day we were taking a bath. My stomach is huge and she was coloring on it with finger bath paint. I have been trying to talk to her about the baby. I asked her what she was going to do when the baby came. Her answer " I am going to scare him, then save him" It was so funny how she said it!
- Emmy and I like to take walks and drives up to the new temple. We talk about how it is Heavenly Fathers and Jesus home and how you pray, get married and take convents out at the temple. The other day when we were driving by and I was asking her questions she said " I want to marry Jesus in the temple!" Maybe she is going to be a nun?
- My dad and his girlfriend brought me a baby gift a while ago. My dad taught Emmy how to stick a goldfish up her nose and blow it out. ( thanks dad!) My dad was holding a book and Emmy accidentally tripped and ripped a page out. The page was a picture of a alligator. Emmy then said in such a sad and serious voice " OH NO! I AM SO SO SORRY ALLIGATOR!"

- We like to go visit Matt once a week for lunch. When we drop him off Emmy rolls down the window and says every time " I love you the most dad! See you later alligator. In a while crocodile." She does not understand that she should say the first part and Matt should say the last part.

- Today I was cleaning up while Emmy was coloring. When I came into the kitchen she has pulled out the time out chair. When I asked her what she was doing she said " Emmy sit it timeout. I draw on chair" It was funny but then when I was getting her dressed she made a mess. I never get mad if she makes a mess but she said " Oh dear mom Emmy made a mess. I better go sit in timeout" I think my child is enjoying timeout a little too much.

- Last but not least Emmy is talking in the 3rd person ALL THE TIME! I am working on talking to her in different ways and having her repeat things like " I want more please." Instead of " Emmy wants more please". It is just so funny how she always talking in the 3rd person. Hopefully it is not too big of a deal :)
- Emmy is in the picking nose stage. I have told her a few times it is gross. Every time I catch her doing it she hurries and takes her finger out of her nose and says " EWWWW Emmy don't pick your nose that gross!"

Those are just a few things that I can think of that she has said lately. She is getting so big and is so funny!!! She really is my pride and joy! I just love her to death!!!


Carrie said...

She is too cute! I wish I would have written the things down my older kids said. They use to be sooo cute ;)

Adam and Rachel said...

Oh my gosh! I love the contractions one! That is just way too funny!!!

Lisa Best said...

Oh my, these are SO cute! What a sweetheart :)